To ensure all-round development of the students, LBK Public School conducts diverse co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. LBK has a vibrant Co-Curricular programme. LBK offers a variety of choices for their CCA and Clubs and Societies.
The school has dedicated music/culture teachers in all three sections and students are trained in singing and playing a variety of Indian and drama- Holi, Ramleela etc.
At LBK children choice to learn visual arts such as painting, sculpture, collage, photography, oil painting, water painting. The school has trained staff and infrastructure for teaching best out of waste material etc.
Creative Writing & Public Speaking
School provides opportunities for Creative Writing and public speaking. Story Writing, Essay Writing, Poetry recitation, Elocution, declamation and one Act Play competitions are organized.
Clubs & Societies
There are various Clubs and Societies that allow the students to be in groups. The various clubs and societies are as follows :
Sahityika Club
The aim of the club is to develop creative writing in Hindi and English. Original writings are selected and read out by the authors themselves before an audience in the Sahityika Assembly.
Science Club
Its object is to popularize and create interest in scientific learning. It also organizes the Science Week every year with a seminar, quizzes, and essay writing contests etc.
Geography And Environmental Club
Its objective is to spread awareness among the students about climate change, Rising Sea level, Nuclear waste, Pollution, Deforestation, Land & Soil degradation, Extinction of animal species etc. Its motto is to think globally and work locally.
Social Service League
The Social Service League helps all the poor and the needy ones around the area. The Social Service League has also worked to help the people in a disaster.
On festivals, the students assemble at the Swami Vivekanand Hall. A brief talk by students and faculty members on various topics are a regular feature of the assembly. It is also the time for meditation. The students are trained to sit in silence for a few minutes and practice meditation.
Band Club
The School Band has two wings for Sr. and Jr. section. A well-qualified Band Master trains the students in the band. The school band caters to the needs of all school functions and other national festivals.
Green Club
Green Club is very actively functioning in our school. The children are planting different types of trees & going to villages to educate the villagers especially the girls.