The School is managed by the School Management Committee under the society of Education Trust(Shri Vedmata Gayatri Education Society). For smooth and efficient functioning, the school is divided into three sections :
S.No. Sections Incharges
- Pre-Primary Section (classes PG to U.KG.) Mrs. Nootan Mittal
- Primary Section (classes I to V) Mrs. Neetu Tomar
- Junior Section (classes VI to VIII). Mr. C.P.Singh
- Senior Section (classes IX to XII) Mr Rahul Upadhyay
The Pre-Primary / Primary / Junior / Senior Section of the school have a Headmaster/In charges and a separate group of staff specially trained to cater to the specific needs of the boys of the particular age groups.
There are 4 Houses (Azad house, Kalam house, Subhash house, Bhagat house). Each House has a Housemaster who is the head of the House Pastoral Team comprising of two Assistant House Masters, House Tutors, a Superintendent / Matron, and attendants.